The MWFP Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit private organization. Support for the Foundation comes from generous donations by the sportsmen of Mississippi. The Foundation is fully funded by monetary and in-kind contributions such as land, materials and supplies. Support for the Foundation can either be directed through our website or via our mailing address. Mississippi taxpayers have the option of contributing an amount from their state income tax refund to the Foundation. Additionally, purchasers of a Mississippi hunting or fishing license have the opportunity to make a contribution to the Foundation at the time of purchase. While a gift to the Foundation impacts the current conservation and enhancement of our fish and wildlife resources, it is also an investment for the benefit of future generations. Planned giving of land, stock or through one’s estate is a great way to ensure your descendants are afforded the same outdoor pursuits you enjoyed as a Mississippian. Your donation will be used in general support of Foundation’s efforts across the state. More than 90 percent of the Foundation’s spending is directed to its mission. The Foundation annually reports on charitable activities and directs independent audits be performed on its financial stewardship.Planned Giving
Help ensure Mississippians of all ages today and in the future will be inspired by the natural resources of our state. Designating a planned gift to MWFP Foundation is a creative way to give charitably while meeting other personal, family or financial needs.
Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust is a trust with both charitable and non-charitable beneficiaries. It is called a lead trust because it is the charity that is entitled to the lead interest in the trust property. After a specified term, the remaining trust property passes to a non-charitable designated beneficiary.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder annuity trust, of CRAT, is a trust with both charitable and non-charitable beneficiaries. Every year for the term of the CRAT, the no-charitable beneficiary receives a payment (the annuity amount) from the trust property. At the end of the trust term, the remaining property passes to the charity. For this reason, the charity’s interest is described as a remainder interest.
Life Insurance
Life insurance can be an excellent tool for charitable giving. Not only does life insurance allow you to make a substantial gift to charity at relatively little cost to you, but you may also benefit from tax rules that apply to gifts of life insurance.
Including MWFP Foundation in your will or trust gives you the maximum flexibility to continue using your assets during your lifetime.
Sample Bequest Language:
(Please note: Because the requirements for the gift to take effect vary depending on where you reside now or in the future, we strongly recommend that you have appropriate language drafted by an estate planning professional. The language we set out below is merely an example of language that has worked in prior situations, but might not for your circumstances; thus we do encourage you to consult with a lawyer or CPA who can be sure your intentions are given effect as you wish. We thank you again for your generosity.)
“I bequeath _____% of my residuary estate (or $ _____________) to Mississippi Wildlife Fisheries and Parks Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, with its principal office located at P.O. Box 14194, Jackson, MS 39236, for its ongoing conservation, education and recreation purposes.”
Your memorial gift in memory of a loved one or in appreciation for a Mississippi outdoor enthusiast/conservationist makes a direct impact on impact on Mississippi’s lands, waters, fish, and wildlife resources. Your support will ensure that current and future generations can enjoy, explore, and be inspired by Mississippi’s wonderful outdoor heritage.
Notice of your memorial gift will be shared with those you designate.
Click Here to Make a Memorial Donation
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
How It Works
- You transfer appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares you have owned for more than one year to Foundation for Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
- Foundation for Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks sells your securities and uses the proceeds for its programs.
- You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer (even if you originally paid much less for them).
- You pay no capital gains tax on the transfer when the stock is sold.
- Giving appreciated stock can be more beneficial than giving cash. The “cost” of your gift is often less than the deduction you gain by making it.
Donate online today
Please select from one of the donation options below.Want to mail in a donation? Great!
MWFP Foundation P.O. Box 14194 Jackson, MS 39236Have questions about donating?
There are many ways you can support the Foundation for Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. If you are interested in offering your financial support, please review the options listed here. If you would like to discuss your options, please contact us and we will be in touch.